Object of the trust

Object of the trust

1. To start, establish, run, manage and control various Orphanage, Anath Ashram, Old Aged Home and Children Home all over in India as and when the Board of Trustee may decide form time to time.

2. To organize various kinds of Child Welfare programs/activities.

3. To establish, develop, maintain and granted in cash or in kind to Hospital, Medical college in all branches like, Allied health, Dental, Nursing, Pharmacy, Homoeopathy, Ayurvedic, Unieni, Yoga, Paramedical etc., Engineering College in all branches, Universities as per act, and other charitable Institutions, Petrol/Diesel Pump , Business ventures and other auxiliary services for the fulfillment of the objects and for the benefit and use of general public in allover India & Abroad.

4. To start, establish, run, take over or manage schools with an object to provide sound pre-primary, primary, secondary, senior secondary and higher education to children by seeking recognition and affiliation from the education departments and concerned Govt. Authorities in all over India & Abroad.

5. To organize meeting, seminars, discussions and press conferences to raise legal demands and fundamental right provided by the ‘Constitution of India’.

6. To make best efforts to provide security, shelters, respect, employment and other required facilities to the prostitutes and their dependent children.

7. To open, found establish, promote, setup ,run, maintain and manage Pio- Dharmshala, Night/Day Shelters, Old Age Homes, Orphanages, Health Care Centers, Charitable Dispensaries, Hospital, Libraries, Reading Rooms, Play Grounds, Stadium (both open & indoor) ,Yoga, Training Centers, Gymnasium, Sangeetalay, Nrityalay (music and dance training centrers) and other building/institutions in all over India & Abroad.

8. To take up effective but reasonable & lawful steps for eradication of social evils such as Dowry System, Child Marriage (Bal Vivah), Child Labor, Wastage of money in the various functions and use of intoxicated drugs/wine/smack etc.

9. To make adequate arrangements and start rehabilitation centers for destitute widows, old men and women, poor, beggars, blinds, handicapped, deaf, dumb, mentally, retarded and for other needy people.

10. To rehabilitate destitute women like young and old widows, unmarried mothers, victims of adduction and their dependent children through residential care and vocational training.

11.To give, provide and/or render monetary and/or other help and assistance for the relief of family and animals affected by natural and other calamities such as flood, fire, famine, cyclone, earthquake, storm, accident, pestilence, drought, ,epidemic, unbearable cost of living and the like, to give donations, subscriptions or contributions to institutions, establishments centers or persons doing relief work on such occasion.

12. To approach and to encourage the people to donate Dhoties, Blankets, Rugs, Cloths, and /or other articles of necessity and also provide the same to needy men, women and children.

13. To provide food, shelters, medicines, and other required facilities to the people who have faced natural Calamity and/or disaster.

14. To follow the ideology of Great men and national Leaders who sacrificed their lives for our Nation.

15. To help the street children by providing them shelters, food and education.

16. To help poor and indigent persons in marriages of their sons and daughters by way of cash donation or otherwise and to distribute clothes, food and other necessaries of daily life amongst poor, orphan and indigent persons.

17. To meet traveling boarding and lodging expenses for students going abroad for higher education and also help them, in all possible ways.

18. To offer prizes and grant scholarship to deserving students and also provide all possible facilities to the students who are interested to go abroad for higher education.

19. To provide information and education/useful knowledge and the medical advice, to general public regarding the vices of the Trust Wine, Aids etc. through holding awareness camps for non-addiction and also organize the lectures by expert team of Doctors, Journalist, Lawyers, Professionals and other learned persons.

20.To open centers/institutes for diagnostic curative and research of Cancer, AIDS, T.B and other deadly diseases.

21. To arrange and organize Eye and Blood Donation camps all over in India and also in the other countries of the World.

22. To invest the Trust fund in the various Financial Gain Projects/Schemes for the purpose of rising funds of the Trust to spend the same for the fulfillment of objects of the Trust.

23. Aims and objectives of Trust shall be purely for ‘CHARITABLE PURPOSE’.

24. To collect information, Notices, Notifications, Polices form the Government, Semi Government, National/International Agencies and N.G.Os and also provide the same to the members of the Trust and also to the general public.

25. To make survey for collection of dates.

26. To approach to the competent court to safeguard the right of the general public and for the public interests from time to time as the Trust may deem fir and proper.

27. To receive financial and non financial assistance from Government, Non Government Organization, International Agencies, Banks and any other legal entity or individual.

28. To accept donations, grants, presents, gifts and other offering in the shape of movable/immovable properties for the attainment for the aims and objects of the Trust.

29. To purchase/acquire the land and/or the building in the name of Trust for the upliftment and fulfillment of the Aims and Objects of the Trust.

30. To hold and manage the assets and properties acquired, inherited or purchased by the Trust as maybe necessary or appropriate for the achievement of the objectives of the trust.

31. To erect, construct, alter, maintain, sell, lease, mortgage, transfer, improve, develop, manage and control all or any part of property or building of the above Trust, necessary or convenient for the purpose of the attainment of the Aims & Objects of the Trust.

32.To publish Books, Charts, Illustrations, Journals, Magazines, Periodicals, Newsletters/Papers and other publication in the different languages and on the different subjects.

33. To assist and co-operate the other Associations, Trust and the various N.G.Os whose aims are same like the Trust.

34. To do such other things/act/activities, which are necessary and which may be incidental or conductive to the attainment of any of the object of the Trust.

35. The activities and branches shall spares all over in India and also in the different countries of world, where the Trust may decide from time to time.

36. Trust will invest its money and funds according to Sec- 11(5) of the income Tax Act, 1961.

37. And Generally to do all other acts, deeds and things as may be conductive to the attainment and furtherance of any of all of the above objects and purposes of the trust and in any other was similar to them or incidental or relating thereto for the benefits of General Public without any distinction of cast, creed and Religion.

38. To open, establish, develop and maintain Petrol Pump and other Business ventures for the fulfillment of the objects and for the benefit and use of general public in allover India & Abroad.